World of Quest Wiki

Lord Shadowseed is the overarching antagonist of World of Quest. He is one of those responsible for Quest's banishing from the kingdom, for corrupting General Ogun, and for helping him kidnap Nestor when he was a baby.


His body seems to be made of some kind of dark energy/matter. He has bright red eyes with black pupils, something that appears to be bright yellow eyebrows, and a sharp-toothed smile of the same color. He wears a worn dark green hooded cape along with a dark green armor with yellow edges that features a skull design on the chest area.


In "Fall of Odyssia", Shadowseed is seen in possession of these abilities:

  • Black sphere: He is known to have a magic black sphere that allows him to:
    • Spy on other people: Shadowseed is able to know about other people's lives through this object. He used it to spy on Quest and Nestor.
    • Teleport other people away from him: This ability can be activated when he hits the sphere against the ground. He teleported Quest and company out of his lair in this way.
  • Corrupt other people's appearance: This is seen when Ogun asks him for the power necessary to destroy Quest, Shadowseed then touches Ogun's shoulders and transfers part of his power, causing Ogun's appearance to be corrupted as a side effect.