Narrator: Somewhere in the land of Odyssia, far far away, and by far we mean real far, not like a branch of fars all lined up with the last far more far that the first far, but FAR - and chaos, not to mentions bad manners and poor hygiene, sweeps the land. Its one and only hope rests with a brave young leader - heir to the throne, the legendary Prince Nestor!
Nestor: Woo hoo! Yeah! Wearing living kites is the only way to fly! Woo hoo! ...except when they bail on you.
(Nestor falls and screams, but Graer saves him)
Graer: Quit showing off Nestor! If we're gonna find Quest, we gotta ditch the Katastrophe Brothers.
Nestor: Leave it to me.
Kalamity: Ha ha! You missed me!
Graer: Ow! Oh oh! Oh, what happened?
Nestor: Oh man. I shot you... I mean they shot you on your butt.
Graer: Awww! I hate The Katastrophe Brothers! They have no sites of honor when it comes to combat or hygiene.
Nestor: Let's lose them in that big cloud, Graer!
Khaos: They hidden that way!
Kalamity: We gonna now!
Konfusion: Follow them!
Khaos: You know, we fall for that every time.
Kalamity: Lord Spite is not going to be happy about losing the prince again.
Konfusion: Well, who gonna tell him?!
Khaos: I told him last time!
Kalamity: And I told him the time before that!
Konfusion: Well, who gonna tell him?!
Khaos and Konfusion: You are!
Lord Spite: (Laughing) Torturing small furry creatures always puts me in a good mood.
Kalamity: Uh... Lord Spite? Sir?
Lord Spite: What?! Kalamity! Please tell me you caught the prince?
Kalamity: Uh, we caught the prince.
Lord Spite: Wonderful!
Kalamity: Only, we didn't caught the prince.
Lord Spite: You incessant flying sack of drool! You just ruined my day!
Kalamity: Chaos maybe telling...
Lord Spite: Enough! Find the prince! With him destroyed, no one can stop me from world domination. (Evil laughs) Now, where were we? (gasps) Oh yes! (Tickles creature with a feather) Coochie coochie coo.
(Meanwhile, Nestor and Graer are going to find Quest, Graer walks and Nestor uses a cover hoverboard)
Graer You know, Quest and I fought side by side in many a battle. He backing me, me backing him. I'm not one to toot my own horn, but some say I was the true hero. (bumps into tree)
Nestor: So, it should be a cinch, getting him to join us?
Graer I don't know, he's still pretty sore about your mom banishing him from the kingdom.
Nestor: So my mom banishing him from the kingdom, big deal. How long do you think the guy holds the grudge?
(They look of the sign "KEEP OUT" and "GO AWAY", the spears and No symbol sign on Nestor)
Graer: Uh... forever.
Nestor: Are you sure this is Quest's place?
(They spy a welcome mat but it says "Not Welcome")
Graer: This is the right place all right. Uh... maybe we should come back later. The guy's in a pretty bad mood before noon. Then again, he's angry around the clock.
Nestor: I'm the prince, and I'll see Quest anytime I...
Quest: Go away.
Nestor: I'm the royal prince Nestor, heir to the throne of Odyssia, and I'm here to see Quest.
Quest: Quest doesn't live here.
Nestor: Uh your name's on the mailbox.
(After a silence, Quest opens the door)
Quest: It's a typo.
Nestor: But... (Quest closes the door) I need to talk to you!
Quest: I'm busy.
Nestor: Doing what?
Quest: Doing my laundry.
Nestor: My parents - your king and queen - have been captured, you got to help me find the Shattersoul Sword so I can rescue them. Well, what's your answer? (Quest throws a bucket of water on him from a window) Hey! I'm the prince, you can't do that! (Quest drops the bucket on him as well) Hey!
Quest: Just did.
Graer: Hey Quest old buddy, what's up?
Quest: Go away.
Graer: Well, we tried. What do you say we go get some grub?
Nestor: No! I'm not giving up that easy. Quest, as the prince of Odyssia, I order you to come with us.
Graer: Ah! Sea Squawkers in the moat, nice touch.
Nestor: You don't think you can get rid of me that easily.
Quest: How about I give you the boot.
Nestor: What would I want with your boot?
Graer: Ready to give up?
Nestor: Never!
Nestor: Hey! I don't care who you are. I don't take no for an answer.
Graer: So, how's it going?
Nestor: I'm just getting started.
Nestor: Now, where were we?
Quest: Hey! No feeding the Sea Squawkers!
Nestor: I think he's beginning to weaken.
Graer: Block jaw does have an exceptional aim with his left leg, yeah, he could make a living with them.
Nestor: Look, I'm the prince. If I'm in danger, it's his duty to recuse me.
Graer: Except this is the guy who booted you 47 times in the butt and once elsewhere.
Nestor: I have one last idea how to change Quest's mind.
Quest: Go away!
Nestor: Read this, it's from my dad the king.
Quest: (reading) The allegiance spell has been placed upon you... Sir Quest from this day forth... you will be bound to protect and obey Prince Nestor.
Nestor: I think we better duck.
Nestor: Ah-ha! By reading it the allegiance spell is activated. Now you must come with us and protect me.
Quest: No.
Nestor: You can't say no to a spell!
Quest: Just did.
Nestor: You're chicken! You don't deserve to serve me! I can see now I'm on vanished you.
Quest: He talks too much.
Graer: You gotta admit the prince is pretty clever getting you to read that. I don't like that and he does have a point, the allegiance spell oblige you to serve as highness.
Quest: You talk too much.
Nestor: Quest! Help! Quest!
Konfusion: Hey look! I got the prince! I got the prince!
Khaos: Drop him on his head! Hard!
Nestor: Drop this, freak! (bites Konfusion's leg)
Konfusion: Ow! He bites me! It's hurt!
Kalamity: That's not very prince-like.
Konfusion: Does the prince have rabies?
Khaos: Uh the prince is a mammal, all mammals can have rabies.
Konfusion: (Wails) I got prince's rabies!
(The Katastrophe Brothers attack Nestor)
Nestor: Quest! Help! Help! Allegiance spell! Help!
Graer: So, do you want to save him?
Quest: He called me chicken. (sigh)
(The Katastrophe Brothers attack Nestor again)
Quest: Hey runt, whatever you do don't let them fall in the... (they fall in the water) water.
Graer: Why? What happens again if they fall in the water?
Quest: Wet Katastrophe Brothers can only lead to one thing...
(They can merge into a giant hybrid creature called Katastrophe)
Quest: ...Katastrophe.
(Katastrophe roars)
Quest: I hate Katastrophe.
Nestor: (fused into Katastrophe's tummy) Hey! What happened to my arms? And my legs?
Katastrophe: Just thinking the selfless, by the family. (evil laughing)
Nestor: Quest! You gotta save me!
Quest: No.
Nestor: What? You can't say no to me. I command you to save me! (Quest punches him in Katastrophe's tummy) Hey! What are you doing?!
Quest: I'm saving your royal butt. How I do it is my business.
Nestor: Okay.
Katastrophe: So, (holding with two swords) may I have your butt kick, Quest?
Quest: I don't think so. (holding with two swords too and cuts Katastrophe's swords)
Katastrophe: Didn't see that coming. (Quest punches him) Or that.
Graer: I got it! (punches the Katastrophe) Just like the good old days, you and me against the world. Hey, remember the time we when the...
Quest: No.
Nestor: Quest! I'm sorry... I called you... Chicken!
Quest: Time to uncork this Katastrophe.
Khaos: Uh, what do you say we call it a draw?
Kalamity: Sound good to me.
Konfusion: How's about, two out of three?
(The Katastrophe Brothers run away)
Kalamity: Nice seeing you, gang.
Konfusion: Don't be stayed ya.
Quest: Your welcome.
Graer: That was like the brothers left something behind, it might be worth something. Or we can splitting
Quest: You lose, Spite.
Lord Spite: What it... those incompetent fools. (gasps) But not you, Quest! What do you say we put aside our old differences and you work for me! (laughs) You can start by crushing the prince!
Nestor: Forget it, Spite! There's no way Quest would ever work for you. (to Quest) Right, Quest? Quest?
Quest: I'm thinking.
Lord Spite: Quest! NOO!
Nestor: Yes! I knew you'd come around! We're going to make a great team, fighting bad guys, working together as one, anticipating each other's moves. Pow! Pow! Pow! See like right now. I know exactly what you're thinking.
Nestor: That's exactly what I thought you were thinking.
Quest: Allegiance spell. I hate allegiance spells.